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Impact Assessment Report

Impact Assessment Report



Geological Survey Ireland has published the Impact Assessment Report focused on the GSI Research Programme. Established 2015, the new Research Programme was designed to promote and fund excellent geoscience research and build capacity across Ireland. In 2024, the GSI Research Programme team conducted a review of the impact of the overall programme. In the past decade, the GSI Research Programme had funded projects, research infrastructure and collaborations to develop new knowledge and fill research gaps in geoscience and related areas such as environmental and climate research.

Since 2015, GSI has supported 226 research projects with a total value of over €65million and direct investment from GSI of almost €17million, through competitive funding calls and collaborative agreements.

The Report summarises the impact of the overall GSI Research Programme in a changing research funding landscape.  Quantitative and qualitative data was collected from funded researchers, along with information about outputs and outcomes of funded projects, and the collaborative links between the GSI technical teams from GSI, the Research Programme and the geoscience research community.

The An Assessment of the GSI Research Programme 2015-2024 can be downloaded here​.